Global Digital Finance (GDF), the leading global digital assets members association, announced, that it will collaborate with other industry associations and bodies to:
● Endeavour to reduce uncertainty in the wider crypto community around CARF, particularly the obligations on cryptoasset owners. We will do this by developing a suggested wording for the necessary self-certificate(s) that members can use and that we can propose to the OECD to consider as a best practice.
● Publish information for the crypto community on CARF, including a self-certificate and how crypto users can respond to reduce the potential of scammers to use this as an opportunity to conduct phishing attacks or hacks.
● This will provide a strong response for the industry, and by aligning views, we will be able to combine our efforts to maximum effect to respond to the practicalities and challenges of CARF. We aim to make this as easy as possible for the members of each of our respective bodies.