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KWM Digital Future Summit


Secure your spot now for the KWM Digital Future Summit! 

For the fourth year, KWM bring you a stellar lineup of industry leaders and experts to help you make sense of the digital transformation and regulatory landscape governing data and emerging tech!

The Summit brings together leaders in regulation and industry to address pressing issues facing the digital economy, including across AI, cyber, competition, esafety and digital assets. We also throw a spotlight on how innovation and technology can help accelerate and address energy transition for a more sustainable future.

Each expert-led session will run as a webinar, with access links provided in calendar markers upon registration.  GDF’s Executive Co-Chair Greg Medcraft joins a fireside with KWM Partner Urszula McCormack, sharing insights on digital finance and the evolution of the global regulatory framework.

To join us at the forefront of digital innovation, simply fill out the registration form here.