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Payments Regulation and Innovation Summit


City & Financial Global brings to London it’s fourth annual Payments Regulation and Innovation Summit.  GDF’s Executive in Residence Jannah Patchay will be joining the speaker lineup.

The payments landscape has undergone some radical changes over the last year. The most high profile of these has been the introduction of the mandatory reimbursement scheme for APP scams. However, there have been a number of other regulatory and technological developments which will have a significant impact on the payments industry. The Summit will address how automation technologies, including AI, can provide new opportunities to enhance transaction efficiency and reduce costs. However, AI can also present a threat as sophisticated scammers develop the use of deepfakes and quishing. Given the increasingly global nature of the payments landscape, it will also address how cross-border payments can be simplified for the user in different jurisdictions and payment platforms.

For more on the event and tickets click here.